Busy Bee Health Essentials

The 4 Horsement (Most Essential Ingredients) of Good Health

In order to be healthy or lose weight there are really only two things you need to do regularly. Two things - and you still get to eat sweets (although you should cut it down if you eat them every day).

These two most-important things are:

Nutrition and Exercise

You probably didn't want to read the last part, but let me tell you, there is no shortcut. In short (ha.ha.), if you don't exercise, you will be more prone to diseases (especially everything to do with the heart) in later life. And by later life I don't mean when you're 90 and consider yourself to be half-dead anyway, but this starts in your late 20s already. An elevator will fail, you'll be forced to take the stairs, huff up two flights of them, and feel like you're dying, and your heart will be racing like shit - did you just run a marathon or what?

Nutrition is equally important.

If you don't nutrite enough, you'll get grey hair (I personally found two silver hairs this year and I'm not even 30 yet) in addition to the huffing and puffing when the power fails.

And even worse:
Though your teenage years are LONG over, you'll have pustules and pimples all over your shoulders/back and chin area and maybe some other places if your body is different than mine.

Here's an aside: If you already have pustules and pimples all over, don't despair. It's a matter of a week or two without sweets and fatty snacks, and your skin will become much smoother, although it might take longer if you've been eating junk all your life.

The next three (combined into one) most important things are:

Patience, Persistence, and Habits

You're not going to change in a week or a month, and it's unlikely even a single year will truly do it. That sounds harsh, but it's first of all true (I'm sure you've tried to change SOMETHING about yourself, all at once, and it didn't work out, at least once in your life. Remember those New Year's resolutions of 2010? You're probably not doing them any more if they were related to changing your eating habits, losing weight, or even just doing a 10-minute walk every day.), and second of all, every large-scale change takes time. And switching from fast foods (including the meaty steaks you make at home) and fatty snacks to homecooked, nutritious foods and carrot-stick snacks certainly is a large-scale change to your life.

If you want to know more about why, the recommendation section will soon have a lot of books on this right HERE. (Because I, too, thought it would be easy, just cut chocolate out of my life, never touch it again, but then it wasn't, and after I started one too many days with chocolate biscuits, I decided to learn WHY it was so hard to just cut things out. A great resource on why this is so can be seen here: Are you an Abstainer or Moderator?)



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