
Showing posts from January, 2019

Busy Bee Meal Prep Sunday (27. January 2019)

It's Monday again! I had a lot of fun doing meal prep yesterday... so without much ado let's start. Here are the ingredients: We have: Vegetables : coleslaw (pictures but unused), celery sticks, green beans, spinach, paprika, broccoli, carrots, green onions, pumpkin, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and 2 cans of corn. Proteins : 2 pieces of salmon (150g each), 4 pieces of codfish (100g each), 500g chicken mince, 500g mixed pork/beef mince, 500g marinated chicken (teriyaki marinade). We also have: 2 cans of beans Carbohydrates : rice and quinoa What is not pictured : pureed tomato (I forgot. This is such a staple in almost every quick and healthy food I often forget to put it on pictures...) And here is the food these ingredients made: The foods from top left to - wait hold on this doesn't make sense - let's just start with the soup pot. The soup is a chicken pot pie soup with lots of veggies (4 portions). To the r

Busy Bee Health Essentials 2: The Importance of Exercise

The Importance of Exercise A lot of busy bees don't really have the time to exercise for two hours every day. Often, you simply can't take the time off or wake up earlier or even justify why you should strain so heavily in the morning or evening when you've already given your all at work. That's understandable. However exercise is a truly important component of a busy bee's health . Without exercise your body will suffer over time. The older you get, the more frequent and persistent this suffering becomes. What used to be a crick in your neck or stiff joints when you got up from your desk will turn into a constant nagging pain, and a few years after that, you'll feel stiff enough you won't be able to move without pain at all. What is exercise? Let's first take a brief look : Is it the daily walking you do from the train station to the place you work at? It could be. Is it the few minutes you spend walking to the cafeteria instead of eating at

Busy Bee Health Essentials 1: The Importance of Nutrition

The Importance of Nutrition 1. What are nutrients? (The basics in short): nutrients are the building blocks your body needs to function well. There are five important nutrient categories: protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals. A sixth might be considered as well. This is water (however: water = minerals). Why is nutrition so important? I believe we all know it but don't have the time or consciously take the time to consider what it means to eat healthily or take care of your body's nutritional requirement. I'll try to make it short. 1. The correct nutrition is important to keep your body healthy. Hint! Healthy might sound a bit vague considering how much information is available on the internet. So let's clarify what healthy means. Healthy = your body is working to the best of its ability. It's working at 100%. It's working the best it can and efficiently to help you achieve your goals. You don't hurt anywhere. You don't forge

Busy Bee Meal Prep Sunday (20. January 2019)

It's Monday! Let's get started with a quick overview of what yesterday's meal prep looked like! An explanation first: I have more time in the weekend (and more help) then during the week. This means Sunday it's meal prep day at my house. We usually start about 16:00 and are done by 18:00 - 18:30. This means two hours of cooking and we'll have food for the rest of the week. How easy and simple can it get! I'm going to show you part of my haul of groceries (unfortunately the rest didn't fit this time but I promise to make it fit the next!): As you can see there's a bit of minced meat (both chick and mixed pork/beef) and some fish (the brownish thing in the top middle). These are almost all the animal proteins we used. I also added plant protein in the form of red lentils (not shown on this picture) to one dish. The rest are all the vegetables (minus one hiding cauliflower that I couldn't find at the time). All that's missing here are

Busy Bee Health Essentials: The Importance of Patience, Persistence, and Habits

The Importance of Patience, Persistence, and Habits Patience is one of the most relevant (although often dismissed) topics these days in the world. The populations of the world are conditioned through internet and smartphones and computers that start up in less than 10 seconds to expect results immediately. This is ok for everything that's unimportant to minimally important. You can check your e-mail in twenty seconds and quick-sort all the folders on your computer to make more sense. However: In order to obtain long-lasting results in important areas of your life you will have to practise patience instead. You will often have to learn how do something important (such as manage your nutrient intake or your weight) and you will sometimes have to wait for not merely a good idea but a brilliant idea. The best things always take the longest time. This is also where persistence comes in. You don't want to quit just when you got started! Let me demonstrate this with an exam

Busy Bee Health Essentials

The 4 Horsement (Most Essential Ingredients) of Good Health In order to be healthy or lose weight there are really only two things you need to do regularly. Two things - and you still get to eat sweets (although you should cut it down if you eat them every day). These two most-important things are: Nutrition and Exercise You probably didn't want to read the last part, but let me tell you, there is no shortcut. In short (ha.ha.), if you don't exercise, you will be more prone to diseases (especially everything to do with the heart) in later life. And by later life I don't mean when you're 90 and consider yourself to be half-dead anyway, but this starts in your late 20s already. An elevator will fail, you'll be forced to take the stairs, huff up two flights of them, and feel like you're dying, and your heart will be racing like shit - did you just run a marathon or what? Nutrition is equally important. If you don't nutrite enough, you'll get g

Introduction to The Busy Bee Health blog

I: Introduction This is a blog for busy bees. It is a program to get even the busiest bee's health under control. The initial phase of this blog will take about six weeks. Do you have little time? Is your health suffering because of it? You know when this is the case. You haven't been on a walk in weeks. You're eating junk. Don't worry. We'll get you up to scratch. We'll explain briefly why you need to watch your food and exercise. Ain't nobody got time to read all those 500-page health and diet books. We do this for you. Throughout this program we'll post five blog posts a week about these topics: Health. Nutrition. Food. Busy-Bee Recipes. Mental Health. (Anxiety and Depression) Exercise. To save your time a lot of posts might also include all of these topics or more than one in a single post! Extra Information ! At the end of the project these blog posts will be turned into a book. This book will be on Amazon (as an e-book)