Introduction to The Busy Bee Health blog

I: Introduction

This is a blog for busy bees.

It is a program to get even the busiest bee's health under control. The initial phase of this blog will take about six weeks.

Do you have little time? Is your health suffering because of it? You know when this is the case. You haven't been on a walk in weeks. You're eating junk.

Don't worry.

We'll get you up to scratch.

We'll explain briefly why you need to watch your food and exercise. Ain't nobody got time to read all those 500-page health and diet books. We do this for you.

Throughout this program we'll post five blog posts a week about these topics:

Busy-Bee Recipes.
Mental Health. (Anxiety and Depression)

To save your time a lot of posts might also include all of these topics or more than one in a single post!

Extra Information! At the end of the project these blog posts will be turned into a book. This book will be on Amazon (as an e-book) for your convenience.

And after that? This blog will host a health challenge!

Let's get started with the most important ingredients to maintain or gain good health.

II:  Disclaimer

Why should you listen to anything I say?

I don't know. Maybe you shouldn't. I don't have a PhD, I didn't study health in university, and I don't publish and imporant papers.


I am a person. A busy person. I run two blogs, write books, do some sales on the side, and most of all LEARN. Learn, learn, learn, from all sources available (books, courses, speeches) so that I can use my understanding of the health topic to give you valuable short posts that will explain why taking care of your body is so important.

This whole blog's idea is that I find the most important parts, the best sources of nutrition and health, so that you don't have to. Busy Bees don't have time to read 500 pages books on exercise. I do. It's part of my work for you, and it's also the reason why all the blog posts on this blog will be brief. They're supposed to be comprehensible and efficient. They're supposed to tell you clearly and without much effort to you why you should follow the steps I recommend.

Believe me, I've been there, done that, and you get the best information I've learned from my self-experiments.

All you have to do is follow the smell of the honey.

You can do this here:

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