How to make Busy-Bee Kimchi (And Why)

This one is a Busy Bee Favourite.

Kimchi is easy to make and delicious. It'll also keep about a week and it's an incredibly healthy snack or side dish.

The health benefits are plenty (as with all fermented food). The most important of them are: healthy bacteria that'll help your gut (especially digestion) and vitamin overload. Kimchi has a ridiculous amount of vitamins such as C and A. It also has fiber and useful minerals.

In the Busy-Bee version you only need a few ingredients.

Chinese Cabbage
Garlic cloves
Onion (white)
Fish Sauce
Red Pepper Flakes
2 Radishes
3 Carrots

1. The first thing you do is to cut the cabbages into bite-sized pieces (or however you want them). While you cut you can (not a must) put the already-cut pieces into a bowl with cold water to make them open up for the salt in the second step.

2. The second thing you do is to salt the cabbage pieces. You want the water out. Put the cabbage pieces into an enormous bowl (if you don't have one buy one: HERE Amazon Link) and liberally sprinkle them with salt. Don't worry about too much salt. Half a cup is good for one or two cabbages.

3. Add water and let the cabbages sit for two and a half hours.

4. Do your Busy Bee things in the meantime. The cabbage is not a child. It doesn't need to be watched. And if it's in more than two and a half hours it won't hurt it too much. Try to get back to it before three hours though.

5. The sauce: 1 cabbage = about 5 garlic cloves, 1 onion, 1/4 cup of fish sauce, 1/2 cup sriracha, 1/2 cup of red pepper flakes (or to your spicy-taste). Add all those ingredients into a blender and blend.

6. Cut or rasp the radishes and carrots. The main point here is that they're soft and easy to eat and not bulky. The shape doesn't matter. You can even blend them into the sauce if you don't mind losing the extra crunch.

7. Add radishes and carrots to the sauce. (If you didn't blend them into it to save busy time.)

8. Put sauce on cabbage. Smear it! It's fun. It can be done with your bare hands but perhaps you'd like gloves. (I recommend gloves because the smell doesn't leave your hands easily even with copious amounts of soap used.)

9. Put cabbage in airtight box. The best box is plastic. Do not use metal (the kimchi will corrode the metal and you don't want to eat the result). After this is done, squeeze kimchi tightly into box, getting out as much oxygen as possible to make it easier to ferment and put on lid.

Congratulations! You're done. You can snack on this kimchi immediately (I know I do!) or let it sit until it's properly fermented. The usual recommendation is two days outside and then into the fridge with it.



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